Purchase the refill you are after here. This is a reusable pod that has been cleaned, sterilised, refilled and kept in circulation.
MECCA is now the exclusive home of Emma Lewisham products in Australia. Click here to find a store near you
Buying a refill means we don’t need to make and send you new vessel packaging (jar outers, jar lids, pumps and bottles) each time you order a repeat product. This saves on the energy, water and carbon emissions that are involved in producing a new vessel.
We would love you to return your empty pod to us. Where possible, we sterilise, refill, and put back into circulation these pods to help reduce carbon emissions even further. Learn how to return your empty pod to us for free, here.
You can take your empties back to any MECCA store in Australia and store team members will be able to assist in returning your empties via the Emma Lewisham Beauty Circle program. While you won't receive points for your returns, we recommend signing up to MECCA’s Beauty Loop to enjoy its incredible benefits and earn points for all your new purchases.