Sydney-based artist Gabrielle Penfold is the epitome of an Emma Lewisham muse. She is passionate about the celebration of life which she expresses through her incredible artworks. Free spirited Gab gives us a peek into her world, her approach to wellness and the importance of wearing SPF. 

What does a typical day look like for you?
Painting! All-day long. I love spending the entire day painting. Once I get into a good flow I generally don't want to leave the studio. I might break up the day with a midday bath, great ideas come to me when I'm relaxed and soaking in water. Of course, I end the day with a delicious home-cooked meal. 

How do you approach wellness and what does that look like to you?
I do think it's all about doing what works for you. I'm not really interested in strenuous exercise. I love mixing between some gentle yoga and pilates, loads of walks and swims. I love taking care of my gut by eating mostly unprocessed food (apart from prosciutto), good ferments and plenty of water.  

What is your favourite Emma Lewisham product and why?
I LOVE the Supernatural Triple vitamin A+ Face Oil! It feels so amazing, I'm so surprised how the oil doesn't feel heavy or greasy on my skin. I also think it makes you look extremely fresh and hydrated. A few friends and I now use it instead of makeup because it gives us such a healthy glow! 

What are your main skincare concerns and how do you combat them?
Sun damage. I had a surfboard hit me in the face last year, I had to have serious surgery because fibreglass was embedded above my nose. Hilarious! The surgeon was adamant about the use of sun protection EVERYDAY! 

Any non-conventional skincare tips you have picked up in your lifetime?
Gentle massage on the face.  I love using my gua sha, it really helps me with my sinus issues. 

Do you spend time on your skincare routine or do you prefer a quick and easy regimen?
I'm pretty quick, It's the product that does the work! 

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